Louisiana Health and Rehab









Reality House


Reality House is a residential half-way house for chemically dependent mothers and their dependent children. The well-structured and supervised setting at Reality House fosters emotional growth, encourages sobriety, requires self-examination and teaches new problem solving techniques which lead to positive life style changes.


Our Mission

To provide quality comprehensive treatment to women in recovery from chemical dependency, as well as offer a safe, caring and supportive environment for these women and their children, as well. Services will focus on the women developing a healthy, drug free lifestyle, dealing with issues unique to their gender, becoming more nurturing parents, obtaining job training and employment -- with the ultimate goal of strengthening their families.


In working with the children of chemically dependent mothers, the goal will be to help the children understand their mother's disease, increase resilience and reduce risk factors for substance abuse, depression, violence and aggression, delinquency and school failure.



Services provided by Reality House are offered to all women throughout the state of Louisiana, regardless of race, religion or national origin. Preference, however, is given to those individuals residing in Region 2, the Capital area Human Services District.


At Reality House, it is believed that through changes in behavior and environment, individuals can learn to change and grow toward a life that is drug free. Sheer willpower alone may not eradicate drug use. The following services are provided to help the women at Reality House overcome chemical dependency:


·  Individual Counseling (Provided to both mother and child.)

·  Family Counseling (Provided to both mother and child)

·  Group Counseling (Provided to mother and child)

·  ESG Emergency Solution Grant (Housing Assistant)

·  12-Step Recovery Program

·  Supportive Services Referrals

·  Nutrition Education

·  Spiritual Group

·  Transportation

·  Crisis Intervention Service Referral

·  Substance Abuse Education

·  Tutoring for Children

·  Budgeting

·  Parenting Classes

·  Life Skill Training

·  Job Search Assistance

·  Job Readiness

·  Relapse Prevention


Eligibility Requirements

The following Eligibility Requirements must be met in order to be admitted to Reality House:

  • Must be 18 years or older

  • Must have primary diagnosis of chemical dependency

  • Applicants must ne pregnant females and/or females with dependent children.

  • Applicants can only bring dependent children age 12 and under into the facility with them.

Services are provided to all women regardless or race, religion or national origin.


For More Information:
Click Here for Brochure

Please Call

(225 ) 343-3438


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