Louisiana Health and Rehab










Outpatient Substance Abuse

Louisiana Health and Rehab Center Inc. is a private non-profit provider agency which offers a large array of services throughout the state of Louisiana.  Services are provided to persons who are chemically dependent, homeless, HIV+, mentally ill developmentally disabled and persons who have other handicapping conditions. The Executive Director of the program has over 30 years experience in human service field. Direct Services are provided by licensed professionals and para professionals.

LHRC– Life Care Center is an out patient program dedicated to providing quality and effective rehabilitative services to people with substance use disorders. The treatment modalities at LHRC Life Care Center are focused on the individual. This program ensures that the client’ needs are holistically addressed by providing out patient substance abuse treatment services, life skill, case management and promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle through behavioral modification. It is through change in behavior and environment that individuals can learn to change and grow toward a life that is drug free.


We believe that recovery and redemption is possible through the Twelve Step Recovery Program.  We are committed to comprehensive holistic treatment founded on the belief that chemical dependency is a  physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional disease that affects the entire family. We recognize the need to involve the family in this healing process  as our foundational belief is that each individual has worth and potential.


Admission to LHRC-Life Care Center is without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Clients are admitted to LHRC-Life Care Center by referral from detoxification facilities, inpatient facilities, residential facilities, court system, lawyers, probation and parole, re-entry programs, and the department of children and family services, etc. A pre-admission screening is held to determine if the eligibility criteria are met and the guidelines for denial are not reflective of the applicant.

Requirement For Admission

    Applicants must  be 21 years old or older.

     Applicants must have a primary diagnosis of chemical
Applicants must actively participate in treatment goals as
      specified by the Treatment Plan


  • Assist client in remaining alcohol and drug free.

  • Assist clients in gaining acess to needed services.

  • Assist in monitoring clients to make the necessary changes in his/her lifestlyes.

  • Assist clients in maintaining independent lifestyle.

  • Educate client in the 12 Step Program

  • Assist clients in regaining dignity and possessing a feeling of self worth.

  • To educate clients on the disease concept of alcohol and drug

  • Prevent institutional recidivism

  • Assist families in drug education and support system.

  • To implement the 12 core functions.



  Private Insurance

  Private Pay

  Sliding Fee Scale




8:30 am -7:00 pm

Thursday - Friday

8:30 am - 5:00 pm



Staff members at the Outpatient Substance Abuse Clinic are caring and concerned professionals who are trained to assist patients in remaining alcohol and drug free. The following members are on hand to assist and educate those who come to the Outpatient Substance Abuse Clinic seeking help:


For More Information:
Click Here For Brochure

Please Call

(225 )927-0770


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