Louisiana Health and Rehab Center
Inc. is a private non-profit provider agency which offers a
large array of services throughout the state of
Services are provided to persons who are
chemically dependent, homeless , HIV+, mentally ill,
developmentally disable and persons who have other
handicapping conditions.
The Executive
Director of this program has over 30 year experience
in the human service field.
Services are provided by licensed
professionals and Para professionals.
The treatment modalities at LHRC-Pocahontas House are
focused on the individual. This program ensures that
the clients’ needs are holistically addressed by
providing long-term
residential treatment, transportation, and
promoting a healthy and safe lifestyle through
behavioral modification, access to medical care,
case management, substance abuse treatment service
and life skills. It is through changes in behavior
and environment
individuals can learn to change and grow
toward a life that is drug free. Service are for men
and women at least
21 years of age.
The mission of Louisiana Health and Rehab
Center-Pocahontas House is to provide quality,
comprehensive treatment to chemically dependent men
and women in a safe, caring and supportive
environment. Services will focus on the clients
developing a healthy drug free lifestyle, and
dealing with issues unique to their chemical
LHRC-Pocahontas House views substance abuse as a
primary, progressive fatal disease. Although there
is no cure for this disease at present, it can be
treated. LHRC-Pocahontas House treatment philosophy
is holistic in nature and recognizes the need for
treatment to address the physical, social,
spiritual, mental, emotional and volitional aspects
of an individual. Treatment is individualized and
integrative, incorporating all aspects of the
· Housing
(11 bed capacity)
like atmosphere
Support Groups
Substance Abuse Group Counseling
Substance Abuse Individual Counseling
Family Sessions (as needed)
Aftercare Group Sessions
Nutritional Education
Permanent Supportive Housing and Housing Placement
HIV Education
Medical and Nonmedical Case Management
Budgeting and Money Management
Life Skill Training
Job Search and Job Placement Assistance
24/7 Operation
Admission Requirements
Applicants must be 21 years old or older.
· Applicants
must actively participate in treatment goals as
specified by the Individualized
Treatment Plan.
Applicants must agree to allow LHRC to assist in
managing money.
Applicants must commit to stay for 60 days and
activity participate in treatment,
job search and placement/schooling, competitive
employment and housing
Assist clients in remaining alcohol and drug free
Assist clients in gaining access to needed services
Assist in monitoring clients to make the necessary
change in his/her lifestyles
Assist clients in maintaining independent lifestyle
For More Information:
Click Here For Brochure
Please Call
(225 )927-0770